I’m Caili.

(Like Kay-Lee). And I’m glad you’re here.

But I’m going to keep it real with you, I shouldn’t be here. It doesn’t make sense, and it shouldn’t have been possible. But, here I am. Living a fully expressed, deeply fulfilling, joyful life, helping people like you do the same.

It wasn’t always like this.

For a decade of my life, I struggled with severe depression and undiagnosed complex post traumatic stress disorder. The majority of that time I was chronically suicidal, and I made many attempts to end my life. But I always had this subtle, quiet duplicity living in me… I knew that if I somehow didn’t die by my own hand, that I would really help people. I just had no idea what that would look like.

After surviving a particularly lethal suicide attempt at 18, I finally “got it”. I understood that leaving early was not my fate. So I got serious about my healing, and I knew I wanted to help others heal as well.

Because it was what I knew, I figured I could best help people heal through the Western model of psychology and talk therapy. However, during grad school it became clear to me that it wasn’t my path. After all, the clinical model had only gotten me so far. At 18, I relented to being here, but it wasn’t until I started developing a deeper relationship with my spirituality that I actually was grateful to be here.

So, I began intentionally manifesting a career in which I could synthesize my formal education and clinical experience with my spirituality and intuitive gifts. And now, I do just that.

I now work as an intuitive life coach, psychedelic integration coach, death doula, and speaker. I know suffering, and I also know the magnitude of healing that is possible through reconnecting to the self. I believe that joy is our birthright, and am deeply passionate about helping people live a life that feels free, meaningful, and authentic.

Life Coach | Speaker | Death Doula

I’ve always known that I was supposed to be of service, but before even finishing my Master’s degree in Applied Clinical Psychology, I knew my work as a therapist in the world of mainstream mental health would be short-lived.

My soul craved work where all the parts of me, and my own healing journey could be fully expressed. Where my clients could remember their wholeness, and their truth, rather than fix their pathology.

In my work, I blend neuroscience, psychology, and spiritual philosophy to help my clients achieve their healing goals. I believe that joy is our birthright, and am deeply passionate about providing safe, healing containers in which my clients can claim this for themselves.