Reflections on “The teacher appears when the student is ready".
I believe that Spirit works through people, and it is absolutely true that when we are ready, the appropriate mentor, the right healer, psychic, coach, group or program appears.
But the extent of this is more pervasive. It's also true that when we are ready, the right book or documentary is recommended to us. Plant medicine is offered. The job opportunity arises. A new diagnosis is given. The right relationship falls into our lap- or falls apart.
The pupils' readiness does not mean the lesson is received without friction, without suffering. In fact, our greatest lessons often come in tandem with our suffering. However, in this suffering, we are called forward. We are presented with the opportunity to arrive as our new selves, as the younger, less healed, less awakened versions of ourselves die, and we are rebirthed over and over again.
With the right teacher, at the right time, we are so properly triggered, so perfectly piqued, that we can't possibly remain the same.