I heal myself for me. I heal myself for we.

When I started showing up for my healing, I didn’t know what it would look like, but I did have an intuitive understanding that learning to love myself was worth the investment (energetic, emotional, temporal, financial).

Now that I love myself, I see that the return on this investment extends far beyond myself.That this is also, and always has been, about the people around me.

I see how every time I take a painful look in a proverbial mirror, or have a hard conversation, the people in my world benefit. I see how every time I sit in meditation, set a boundary, or work with a healer/coach/mentor... the people in my world benefit. I see how every time I show up in love when I want to fight, and every time I let myself be seen, be held… the people in my life benefit.

And each of these instances ripples into lives I’ll never even know.

I rise, so we can rise.


Reflections on “The teacher appears when the student is ready".


To get it right, you have to surrender to the possibility of getting it wrong.